Home / News / MONOPOLY Group of companies took part in an international conference

    MONOPOLY Group of companies took part in an international conference

    16. 10. 2020 | Moscow
    MONOPOLY Group of companies took part in an international conference

    The 6th conference «Freight Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities — 2020» continued a series of professional events aimed at forming proposals for the development of the freight logistics market and increasing the efficiency of freight road transportation.

    Most of the conference focused on a highly relevant subject — digital technologies for trucking. As part of a panel discussion, Natalia Osipova, head of the franchising department of MONOPOLY Group, together with Sergey Kiselev, technical director of the Centre for Development of Digital Platforms, Alexei Dvoynykh, Director General of Rosavtotrans (Federal Agency for Road Transport), and Timur Karimov, Director General of Cargo.Run, discussed the issues of digital transformation of logistics.

    The panelists discussed the federal and departmental programs and projects of digital transformation, as well as the impact of Yandex and Sber ecosystems on the pace and directions of digital transformation in the industry.

    16. 10. 2020 | Moscow

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